the book
“Antonio Moresco’s la lucina is one of the most beautiful evocations of childhood I know. Moresco is the man of a magnificent, extraordinarily concentrated work, totally atypical “(Daniel Pennac).
Antonio Moresco writes in the introduction to the novel: “It’s a story that comes from a very deep area of my life, it’s like a little black box. […] This, too, like Gli incendiati, was an incalculable and sudden raid. As the above, this is a small meteorite that has broken away from Canti del caos, so this is a small moon that has broken off from the still melting mass of my new novel, which will be called Gli increati. The light was born from an idea of a few lines, just a small scene written in the notes that I threw down for years for the arrival of Gli increati. “
“I thought this idea would have found a place in there, that would have occupied at most half a page. Instead she obviously worked secretly inside of me. So, at a certain point, she demanded an independent life of his own. And then she grew up like a little siamese creature, until the moment I had to detach it from the other larger body on which it had initially nested. “