Antonio Moresco

Author and actor

"Antonio Moresco tells the border between life and death in a wonderful way" (David Grossman).

"Antonio Moresco is a writer-heritage, a writer who, when you read it, no longer get out" (Roberto Saviano).

Born in Mantua in 1947, Antonio Moresco made his debut in 1993 with the collection of short stories Clandestinità and since then it hasn't stopped unsettling and to break through not only the Italian literature. Just a handful of titles: Lettere a nessuno (1997), Gli esordi (1998), Gli incendiati (2010), Merda e luce (2007), Canti del caos (2009), Fiaba d'amore (2014), Gli increati ( 2015), L’addio (2016).

Today the 70-year-old Moresco is experiencing a moment of extreme creative fertility and extraordinary collaborations. Among his recent releases: Fiabe (with images by Nicola Samorì, 2017), Il fronteggiatore (conversation with Susi Pietri on Honoré de Balzac, 2017), L'adorazione e la lotta (2018), Fiaba bianca (with illustrations by Nina Bunjevac , 2018).


Interview Kamera; portrait d'Antonio Moresco, auteur italien, pour la première fois acteur de l'adaptation cinématographique de son propre roman: La lucina (Mondadori, 2013, Italie)
Roman traduit en France par les Éditions Verdier: La petite lumière (2014). Adaptation cinématographique réalisée par Fabio Badolato et Jonny Costantino.
Kamera est un format d'interviews vidéo: un portrait, un lieu.